Inclusive Designs

Transcribe Glass

Edition 101, August 2024

People with hearing loss and deaf people communicate in many ways—sign language, lip reading, hearing aids, etc. However, methods such as hearing aids and cochlear implants can be very expensive to acquire. Meanwhile, signing and lip reading require eyes on the speaker.

TranscribeGlass™ shows closed captions from any source on a transparent display in your field of vision.

Comfortable wearable assistive technology device for d/Deaf, Hard of Hearing, elderly, and other people who want to improve their comprehension of spoken communication using captions. It connects to your phone and uses that device's onboard processing to transcribe what it hears, then projects the text onto the tiny transparent display hovering above the eye. You'll be able to resize the font, adjust the scrolling speed and choose your language model of choice, since TranscribeGlass uses third-party APIs for translation. Yes, it converts foreign languages into one you understand, too.